Earl Sweatshirt / Some Rap Song
Album Review
Earl Sweatshirt / Some Rap Song
Earl Seatshirtの3年ぶり、3作目のCD。15曲全てが1-2分で、これを切れ目なく繋いでいるので、強く印象に残る曲が無く、ゆるっと始まって、いつの間にか終わっている感じのアルバム。自分的にはちょっと苦手な人ではあるが、今回あまりダークな印象はなく、ファンキーなTrackが多いので、今までで一番聴きやすい。ゆるめのRapは、語りかけるようで抑揚があまりないのが特徴的。Lyricは亡くなった父親に捧げた内省的なもの。自己Produce多数で宅録でもあり、引き続きパーソナルな作品となっている。
Score card
rap oriented---------song oriented
Thebe Kgsitsile(1,2,3,6,9,11,12,13,14)
Ade Hakim and Darryl Josepf(4)
Black Noi$e(7)
Sage Elsesser(8,10)
Thebe Kgsitsile and Shamel(15)
Standing on the Corner, Navy Blue, Cheryl Harris, Keorapetse Kgositsile
No. | Title | Composers | Performer | Time |
1 | Shattered Dreams | John Thomas, Jr. / Thebe Kgositsile | Earl Sweatshirt | 02:20 |
2 | Red Water | Thebe Kgositsile | Earl Sweatshirt | 01:44 |
3 | Cold Summers | Emma Baloka / Thebe Kgositsile / Willy N’For / Jimmy Stormy | Earl Sweatshirt | 01:06 |
4 | Nowhere2go | Darryl Joseph / Thebe Kgositsile / Ad? Hakim Sayyad | Earl Sweatshirt | 01:53 |
5 | 44189 | Thebe Kgositsile / Denmark Vessey | Earl Sweatshirt | 01:46 |
6 | Ontheway! | Giovanni Cortez / Thebe Kgositsile / Sherman Willis | Earl Sweatshirt feat: Standing on the Corner | 01:41 |
7 | The Mint | Sage Elsesser / Thebe Kgositsile / Robert Mansell | Earl Sweatshirt feat: Navy Blue | 02:45 |
8 | The Bends | Sage Elsesser / Thebe Kgositsile / Lowrell Simon / Richard Tufo | Earl Sweatshirt | 01:34 |
9 | Loosie | Thebe Kgositsile | Earl Sweatshirt | 00:59 |
10 | Azucar | Donald Davis / Sage Elsesser / Thebe Kgositsile / Harvey Scales / Albert Vance | Earl Sweatshirt | 01:25 |
11 | Eclipse | Thebe Kgositsile | Earl Sweatshirt | 01:33 |
12 | Veins | Thebe Kgositsile / Curtis Mayfield | Earl Sweatshirt | 01:59 |
13 | Playing Possum | Thebe Kgositsile | Earl Sweatshirt feat: Cheryl Harris / Keorapetse Kgositsile | 01:34 |
14 | Peanut | Thebe Kgositsile | Earl Sweatshirt | 01:13 |
15 | Riot! | Thebe Kgositsile | Earl Sweatshirt | 01:06 |